Customized Home Transition Services

If you happen to be an executor or heir of an estate, dealing with the loss of a loved one, downsizing, moving out of state, or dividing households, Sort it Out can offer you tailored assistance while achieving remarkable sales results.

We understand that every project is unique, and we will personalize our services based on your specific needs and requirements. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that you make wise decisions and maximize the value of your personal assets.

No matter if it's a family home or an abandoned property, we are always successful in selling all kinds of contents. In fact, we even provide additional support with clean-outs whenever necessary. With Sort it Out, you can rest assured that you'll receive the best possible estate sale solutions. Contact us today, and let's discuss how we can help you!

Our Estate Sale Process


Schedule a free consultation for your estate sale! We can do consultations over the phone or in person, whatever you prefer. We do love to join you in your home to review our services and evaluate what you want to sell. You’ll have the final decision on what goes and what stays, and and NC Sort it Out will assist you every step of the way. We are friendly and hardworking!

Organize & Display

First, we will organize and separate items into categories. Then we will stage and display items with price tags attached,. Our team then helps stage a home with all of the items in the estate displayed in an attractive way designed to appeal to potential buyers.

Valuation & Research

Schedule a free consultation for your estate sale! We can do consultations over the phone or in person, whatever you prefer. We do love to join you in your home to review our services and evaluate what you want to sell. You’ll have the final decision on what goes and what stays, and and NC Sort it Out will assist you every step of the way. We are friendly and hardworking!

Marketing & Advertising

Our respected reputation within the community attracts customers. To reach a broader audience, we use local and regional advertising media. We own our customer base and don’t rely solely on third-party companies to drive buyers to our sales.

Conducting the Sale

We will staff your sale, research and price items, provide tables and display racks, prepare staging areas, promote items of interest, advertise your sale to a large customer base, run your sale and clean up after. Our sales are typically on-site over two days unless more time is needed. We are friendly, fun and want to help!

Post-Sale Actions

Depending on your needs, there are a variety of options for you to choose from! As there will be items left unsold which we will gladly take care of, it’s up to you to decide what should happen with them. After the sale, we can help you donate any remaining items or place the unsold valuables up for bid in an online auction, or leave as is. We also offer a full clean out!

Interested in having an Estate Sale?

Please fill out the form below.